Friday, July 20, 2007

Colin Star Shark SSR Rims

Another set of nice looking ol skool rims had arrived from japan, packed nicely for the shipment to Malaysia, Its a long wait indeed, takes about 6 weeks but its a worthwhile wait nevertheless.

It has got very nice deep lips, measuring 14" x 6.5JJ and +4 offset for the Front and 14" x 7JJ and -2 offset for the Rear. Its called Colin Star Shark from SSR and its actually red or gold in color at the star spokes but the color have been scrub off by the japanese, for dun know what ever reason. Too bad its not mine either, Its goin into my friend's KE70 later.

With the Potenza Rims being installed on the car it has the JDM look, with the arches nicely covering the deep dish rims.


Anonymous said...

How much did your friend pay for these SSR wheels? I have one also but the offset is not as "garang" as these one.

aa63 said...

I think ard RM 1k + only.