Now the car behaves like a go-kart, and its fun to drive it around. The rich fueling and sluggish behaviour at the top end is counter by changing the original regulator to an aftermarket product by Works Engineering. Due to the high nos of imitation products on the market such as Sard, Tomei and etc. I opted for a Works unit cause its life time warranty and doesn't have imitation unit on the market.

Fix it and tested it at 4bar idling. The difference is amazing, cars feel lighter and willing to rev to heaven, lighter effect and much more powerful, but after a few spirited run, I found out that the pressure had dropped to 3 bar. and the pressure doesn't seems to move up even if I adjusted the screw on top of the regulator.
This doesn't seem right. Either the regulator is screwed or the Fuel pump is faulty and not able to give the pressure needed.