The modding scene in Thailand is quite huge and has a big following, which in my opinion is much better than in Malaysia and the build quality is of a higher standard which is pretty much close to the land of the rising sun.
One of my favourite mags to hunt for when I'm in Thailand is the XO Autosport mags which you can purchased in any one of their 7-Eleven convenience stores. Their features is normally towards JDM vehicles and an odd couple of JDM retros to spice things up further.
The retro scene in Thailand is also very much alive with the build quality of JDM vehicles close to japan spec which only can be found in Japanese cars of that era. Which bring us to the KE70 seen here. Its a late model kouki with square lamp and rubber bumpers but this green monster is swap with quad lamp and chrome bumpers. Green with envy. GT Dohc...
Full details in UP
AA63 Carina with 20V Looks yummy I've found these in yahoo auction and the car is exactly the same I posted a couple of days ago. Its selling for 630k JPY.
All yours for JPY 750k. Comes together with Longchamps XR-4 15X8jj with a tiny -14 offset. 4age 16V from the AE86 resides in this old lady. Need to go and check out our car dealers now,might be able to get this gem.
I've managed to add to my collection of old school parts in the form of fender mirrors to fix onto my ride later when its ready for installation. Its a NOS (New Old Stock) item from toyota. and its original for TE27 levin & sprinter trueno.
After a long searching for the body parts for my extinct Flintstones ride, I've managed to score the quarter glasses for my ride which I'm using acrylic at the moment due to the missing quarter glass when I got my ride.
The first thing I did when I got them was to get rid of the stubborn silicone that is attached free of charge with the glasses. As can be seen the glass and auto silicone was attached to the glasses and in need of removal before it can be fix onto the car later. Using a blade to remove the bulk of the silicone by slicing it through. After the bulk of it was remove the remaining stuff was remove using the silicone latex caulk which dissolve the stubborn silicone into flakes before I could remove them by rubbing it off. Its a pain in the arse to remove due to long time it was left there. The completed process, although not 100% remove due to the stubborn parasite but quite satisfied with the outcome nevertheless.
Preparing for a Wangan Battle. Corona TT141 low rider. Super slam hella flush style carina wagon fire bridgade had gone the watanabe style. Just had to post this up, a rather clean and unassuming carina coupe just like my old one ridin' on longchamps. Cool stuff.
Sent my car to the mech to finish up the mess done by the previous mech. They have intall the Crash Pad carrier support and the pedals together with the 86 steering column. So far its been good and suprisingly it feels better with the steering control.
Now the car behaves like a go-kart, and its fun to drive it around. The rich fueling and sluggish behaviour at the top end is counter by changing the original regulator to an aftermarket product by Works Engineering. Due to the high nos of imitation products on the market such as Sard, Tomei and etc. I opted for a Works unit cause its life time warranty and doesn't have imitation unit on the market.
Fix it and tested it at 4bar idling. The difference is amazing, cars feel lighter and willing to rev to heaven, lighter effect and much more powerful, but after a few spirited run, I found out that the pressure had dropped to 3 bar. and the pressure doesn't seems to move up even if I adjusted the screw on top of the regulator.
This doesn't seem right. Either the regulator is screwed or the Fuel pump is faulty and not able to give the pressure needed.
Volks Karmann Ghia coupe..nice and beautifully restored. West meet east, olskool style. 2dr ford escort MKI. Rare EE90 wagonis It ain't kool if its not olskool Olskool ford escort MKII. Quite a lot of these MKII's on display Nice number. Looks cool on the rear for these hard to find coupe
MK 1 look spot on fitted on the E7# hardtop. Rare as a gem Mitsubishi GTO. Extinct species here
Looks like a 1st gen celica hatchback from the rear. E7# hard top with a E7# 4dr
Deep dish MK 1
4K with racing carbs on this N2 KP...
Rare and deep watanabes on this slurpee e70
4K with twin webers...
Carbs power
Its a KE10
Its an auto Mustang
Super duper deep dish on this mazda pick-up TE71 Levin Coupe in blue
White hachi
Celica TA22
Sunny pickup
Lastly a lone hachiroku Levin park far from the main venue... with dorifuto spec wheels and camber.